Stamp Mall

This site is a Display Gallery of my Own Collection, or items that have passed through my hands over the years.

Stamp Collecting does not have to be expensive to be fun.
Any items I may have for Sale are listed in my Store on Hipstamp

Asian Albums

French India, formally the Établissements français dans l’Inde (English: French Settlements in India), was a French colony comprising five geographically separated enclaves on the Indian subcontinent that had initially been factories of the French East India Company. They were de facto incorporated into the Republic of India in 1950 and 1954. The enclaves were Pondichéry, Karikal, Yanam on the Coromandel Coast, Mahé on the Malabar Coast and Chandernagor in Bengal. The French also possessed several loges (‘lodges’, tiny subsidiary trading stations) inside other towns, but after 1816, the British denied all French claims to these, which were not reoccupied

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  • French India