Stamp Mall

This site is a Display Gallery of my Own Collection, or items that have passed through my hands over the years.

Stamp Collecting does not have to be expensive to be fun.
Any items I may have for Sale are listed in my Store on Hipstamp

Africa Albums G-R

Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika (KUT) is the name on British postage stamps made for use in the British colonies of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika. The stamps were circulated between 1935 and 1963 by the joint postal service of the three colonies, the East African Posts and Telecommunications Administration, reconstituted as part of the East African High Commission from 1948 to 1961, the East African Common Services Organization from 1961 to 1967, and the East African Community from 1967 to 1977.[1] Even after independence, the new separate nations continued to use the KUT stamps, and they remained valid for postage until 1977.