Stamp Mall

This site is a Display Gallery of my Own Collection, or items that have passed through my hands over the years.

Stamp Collecting does not have to be expensive to be fun.
Any items I may have for Sale are listed in my Store on Hipstamp

Caribbean Albums

Montserrat is a British Overseas Territory in the Caribbean. It is part of the Leeward Islands, the northern portion of the Lesser Antilles chain of the West Indies. Montserrat is about 16 km (10 mi) long and 11 km (7 mi) wide, with roughly 40 km (25 mi) of coastline. It is nicknamed "The Emerald Isle of the Caribbean" both for its resemblance to coastal Ireland and for the Irish ancestry of many of its inhabitants. Montserrat is the only non-fully sovereign full member of the Caribbean Community and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States.