Stamp Mall

This site is a Display Gallery of my Own Collection, or items that have passed through my hands over the years.

Stamp Collecting does not have to be expensive to be fun.
Any items I may have for Sale are listed in my Store on Hipstamp

Middle East Albums

The Trucial States , also known as the Trucial Coast (Arabic: الساحل المتصالح, romanized: Al-Sāḥil al-Mutaṣāliḥ), the Trucial Sheikhdoms (Arabic: المشيخات المتصالحة, romanized: Al-Mashyakhāt al-Mutaṣāliḥa), Trucial Arabia or Trucial Oman, was a group of tribal confederations to the south of the Persian Gulf (southeastern Arabia) whose leaders had signed protective treaties, or truces, with the United Kingdom between 1820 and 1892